Category: Historical Technology

Sealing Wax: The Perils of Historical Recreation

I have been enjoying my research into period sealing wax, and recently applied wax I had made to a new apprentice contract. On my way home I stopped to eat, and the contract sat in a hot car for a couple of hours. This, perhaps unsurprisingly, caused the wax to melt and ruin the seals.

This serves as an object lesson on why sometimes we as modern people must make adjustments to how we do things relative to the historical people we are trying to emulate. The climate in Europe in the 16th century was cooler than it is here in the southern US, and they would likely not have left a sealed document in an enclosed metal box in the sun. Perhaps there are instances of seals melting in this way, and I am curious whether wax seals were ever used in hotter climates like North Africa. Shellac based sealing waxes may also be more resistant to this type of heat exposure.

In any case, I feel that it will be safest in the future to fall back to using modern waxes for important things like scrolls that are at risk of this sort of danger. For more ephemeral items like letters I will probably be willing to take my chances on my homemade wax.

Sealing Wax: Prepared Slices

There are a number of images showing small sticks of sealing wax, presumably for applying directly to paper when writing letters.

What is not immediately clear is how wax is used when creating pendant seals that are attached to tags, tongues, and cords.

As noted by the Imprint Project, the Trinity College Cambridge MS R.14.37 manuscript contains a recipe that “when the wax mixture has solidified but is still warm, it should be ‘tossed’ between well-greased hands, rolled into a sausage, and sliced to form cakes.”

Maerten van Heemskerck’s 1529 portrait of Pieter Gerritsz shows another interesting detail. Next to his wood-handled seal matrix is what looks like a paper-wrapped packet of wax, surrounded by squares of paper. It seems to me that it would be convenient to have prepared wax slices packaged in this way, with bits of paper in between to prevent them sticking together.

My early experiments with cutting wax slices were frustrating. When the wax was still soft, I tried cutting it with a knife. The wax would stick to the knife and also deform, so it didn’t produce good slices. I also experimented with using wire to cut the wax, but the wires tended to break and didn’t cut as well as I’d hoped. I didn’t want to risk ruining a saw blade, but ultimately I found that a coping saw did a good job of cutting the hardened wax. It was melting as much as it was cutting, so gentle pressure and a vigorous sawing motion was required to cut slices without the risk of breakage. That said, the slices were still not the prettiest. In an attempt to start with the roundest log possible, I packed the soft wax in an oiled piece of PVC pipe and pushed it out once it had hardened (a few minutes in the freezer accelerated the process).

Once the slices were cut, I stacked them up with paper in between, and wrapped them in a larger piece of paper. I closed the seam of the wrapper with a melted bit of scrap wax, and closed the bottom of the packet similarly.

To use the slices, they can be held briefly over a flame to soften them. I made tongs to hold the slices safely during this process. The slices can then be sandwiched around a tag, or kneaded and molded in place.

There is definitely still a lot of experimentation to do with this method. I think that waiting for the ideal moment in the cooling process, when the wax is firm but not yet brittle, may be ideal for cutting good slices. Also using an oiled, sharp knife may work better than a saw. For a more anachronistic option, I suspect that an electric hot wire would do a good job of cutting the slices. In any case when the cutting method involves melting the wax, it is important to remove the slice quickly, before it solidifies again.

Sealing Wax: Attempt 3

My second attempt at making sealing wax was a qualified success. It was a usable product, if not exactly what I had been hoping for. The key ingredient that improved it was pine resin, so I decided to look for an even better resin that was still easily sourced and relatively inexpensive. After some research, I decided to try using damar resin. Damar is used for encaustic painting, and so it easily found from art suppliers. It has a higher melting point than pine resin, which I guessed would make it harder at room temperature.

The damar resin crushed just as easily as the pine, and soon I was ready to start mixing up a new batch of wax. I started with a 2:1 ratio of wax to resin, melting the wax first as before and then adding the resin. I will note that damar does not have as strong an odor as either frankincense or pine, but melting it should probably be done with proper ventilation.

To make sure I could tell my two batches of wax apart, I decided to make this wax black. There are many instances of black wax visible in 16th century paintings of office scenes, and also I figured it would be appropriate for use on Meridian scrolls. Having no lampblack handy, I took some charcoal from the fire pit in my back yard and ran it through a coffee grinder I had bought at Goodwill. I sifted out the remaining chunks with a strainer and added it to the wax.

The resulting wax was gray and a little speckly, but definitely in the black range. It stretched when pulled apart, though it was still a bit grainy. It created an acceptable seal, if not quite as rigid as I would have liked.

I seemed to be on the right track, so I added another 75g of resin, bringing the total ratio to an even 1:1. I also added the rest of my powdered charcoal. I estimate the total amount to be about 1/4 cup.

After these additions, the result was a smooth, shiny, evenly colored wax. It was quite hard at room temperature, while readily softening with the application of a candle flame. It stretched with a smooth ribbon and took good impressions both on a tag and applied to paper.

Most importantly, the resulting seal did not bend at all, but instead broke in half.

I think that at this point I have found a good recipe for sealing wax that is simple to make, affordable, and usable. I have some more experiments to do and new colorants to try, but for now I am happy with the current product.

Sealing Wax: Attempt 2

My first attempt at making beeswax-based sealing wax was a good start, but I needed to change things up and try to improve my end result. The main issue was the resin component, so I re-melted my first attempt and acquired some pine rosin. This was a much purer, clear resin that didn’t look like it would have a bunch of extra junk in it. I put the large chunks in small cast iron pan and gently broke them into smaller pieces with a hammer.

I added some of this new resin to the mixture, and it did indeed melt quickly and completely. I cooled, kneaded, and formed the result in to what would become known as “forbidden hot dogs”.

These were definitely an improvement over the first attempt. The wax was less crumbly and would create an acceptable applied seal.

The seals were still quite pliable though, and easy to deform. If some resin was good, more must be better, so I added a generous amount of additional resin. After another round of cooling and forming, I found that the resulting wax had developed a smooth, shiny appearance I hadn’t seen up to this point.

The seals made with this wax were stiffer, and would crack if bent sharply. When the warm wax was pulled apart to make logs, it would create stretchy ribbons like melted cheese. This was similar to what I had seen with commercial waxes when applied to paper and pulled away. This was definitely a far better wax than the first attempt, and certainly a usable product.

Even completely cooled, however, the wax was still pliable, and it was quite sticky to the touch. It could be warmed enough to become malleable just by holding it in my hands for a few moments. While convenient for application purposes, it didn’t seem to be as durable as I would like. I also had done a lot of untracked experimentation at this point, and I wanted to have a reproducible recipe. Another attempt would be required.

Sealing Wax: Attempt 1

While prepping for a class on using wax seals for RUM, I decided that I needed some hands on experience with beeswax-based (as opposed to shellac-based) sealing wax. That meant that I had to make some of my own. I read up on some other people’s experiences, and then decided to take a crack at it.

I knew that I would need three things: beeswax for the base, resin for hardness and stickiness, and a colorant. I wanted to use readily available materials, so I got some beeswax pellets and frankincense tears on Amazon, and some red liquid candle dye from Michaels.

Everything I need to get started!

I started with a 4:1 ratio of beeswax to frankincense. I melted the wax first in a saucepan I got at Goodwill, then added the frankincense.

The wax melted fine, but the frankincense didn’t work quite so well. I had expected it to take longer to melt, so I kept it on the heat and stirred well past the point when it stopped foaming. I was left with a bunch of granules on the bottom of the pot that just wouldn’t melt. It smelled great, but didn’t seem to be working as I’d hoped.

I think that since the frankincense was intended for use as incense and wasn’t a purified resin, there was a lot of gum in the tears that wasn’t going to dissolve in the wax. When I strained out the granules and soaked them in water, they ended up soft and gummy. I thought about trying to find a use for them, but ended up just throwing them away.

I poured the wax onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and kneaded it together wearing nitrile gloves coated with cooking spray. Eventually I was able to create logs to test with.

I cut slices and softened them in hot water, then sandwiched them around a piece of cord to try to make a seal tag.

It technically worked, but the end result was flexible and crumbly, not the hard sort of seal that I was hoping for. Attempting to apply the wax directly to paper gave similarly underwhelming results. The melted as was thin and watery, and didn’t really take an impression at all.

I re-melted the wax and added more frankincense, hoping that I could extract enough useful resin to create a usable seal. While the color worked fine, the end results were pretty much the same.

Ultimately, this attempt allowed me to start figuring out my process, but I was still far from the product I was trying for.