An Apprentice’s Indenture (Contract)

This is the contract I used when I took my first apprentice, Serafina Alamanni. It is cobbled together from a number of historical indentures. I have used this basic contract a number of times replacing the “nor make any promise of wedlock…” clause with something appropriate to the apprentice in question.

By this indenture, made on the xviii day of September, in the reign of King Maximillian and Queen Lethrenn and in the xlv year of the Society, let all gentles know that Serafina Alamanni does bind herself apprentice to Master Lorenzo Petrucci, to be welcomed in his house and learn under his instruction the arts and sciences until such time as he release her from her bond, or she gives good cause to be released, or until the Crown elevates her unto higher station. Further does she promise to be faithful and honest in all her dealings for the whole of the said period, and that she will not flee his house or cause him any loss without recompense, nor make any promise of wedlock without his leave. In return does the said Lorenzo promise to give instruction unto the said Serafina to the best of his ability, and to provide to her whatever materials and tools are required for her learning and upkeep and all the protection and sustenance of which his house is capable. Further shall he provide her with introduction and recommendation to others who may further her knowledge in areas beyond his profession, and give her no task and demand no service that is not good and lawful. Signed and witnessed: