15th Century Laurel Oath

This oath was written for Mestressa Beatriz Aluarez de la Oya for her elevation to the Order of the Laurel. It is primarily based on a 15th century burgesses’ oath from Ipswitch.

In the presence of my King and Queen and all others here present, I swear that I shall henceforth be a true Laurel and keep the counsels of my Circle and the Crown, and not discuss them. Nor shall I in any way disguise the works of others as my own works, nor fail to recognize and proclaim the good works of others. And also I shall be to the best of my ability a teacher to all those who would learn my trade and craft, and be a student to all those who would teach me. And also I shall treat all people of any station properly, doing right to anyone – friend or stranger, rich or poor – in all things that I do. So swear I, Beatriz Aluares de la Oya.