Search Results for – "Psalm 33"

Psalm 33 5/20/12

This is Psalm 33:1-3.  Yet again the inspiration piece is from the Visconti Hours, but with slight changes.  This was made as a thank you gift for my daughters music teacher, Miss Gail.  To reflect her color choices for her albums, t-shirts, band, etc. I changed the colors from the inspiration piece.

To see the step by step process of how this was made click here.


And the inspriation:

For those that might have small children:  Miss Gail and the Jumpin’ Jam Band is awesome!  Kids music that isn’t annoying is hard to come by and she has hit the nail on the head!   Visit her at !

Psalm 33 Part 1

I have just started a new illuminated verse that will be a thank you gift for a dear friend.   And for once, I am going to make scans as I go of the process.   As of last night layout and calligraphy have been finished, but I still need to put the layout down on the final piece.  I don’t see the point in  doing that when the calligraphy isn’t finished yet since I cannot easily fix mistakes on Bristol Board.  So here it is!   I am not sure yet if the end of the line fillers will be solid gold or have designs in them yet.