
The Land of the Morning Calm

Korean history has always been an interest of mine. My mother is Korean and my father is Caucasian, so I’ve always grown up with an attachment to all things Korea. When I discovered the SCA, I was immediately drawn in by all of the beautiful European paintings and clothing, but always had Korea in the back of my mind.

In 2017, I really started to get excited about researching Korean history within the dates used in the SCA. Basically, I needed to research pre-1600 Korea.

It’s been a struggle since I am not fluent in Korean, but I can read hangeul and have been able to identify and date pieces.

The purpose of this site will be to lay out the research that I’ve come across and provide information for anyone who is interested in pursuing a Korean persona in the SCA.

If you’re on facebook, please feel free to join the SCA Korea page. I will try to post information on both places as I come across them.