About Me

I’ve been involved with the SCA since I found out about it in fall of 2010. The Shire of Okeborne Keep had a student group and a booth at the student organization fair at the University of Alabama, and as soon as I saw it I knew that I wanted to be involved. The very first thing I went to was a local dance class.

The dance class totally hooked me on medieval European dance. Even though it took a while to realize that it was going to be my focus, I never doubted that I would keep dancing. I’ve been teaching dance classes and running balls and so forth for several years now.

Aside from dance, I have strong interests in fiber arts (tablet weaving, bobbin lace, embroidery), costuming, linguistics, heraldry, and political theory (modern theories applied to the SCA as well as period theories).

In the modern world I am a PhD student in political science at the University of Alabama. I also have an MA in women’s studies and a BA in interdisciplinary studies (with a depth study in foreign languages and linguistics).

My SCA Résumé can be found at this link.