Maiden Lane Reconstruction Thoughts

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The SCA Medieval and Renaissance Dance Facebook group has been discussing reconstruction issues with the Playford dance Maiden Lane.  From what I can gather, Chorus 1 has vexed people because it includes the instruction to do “The single Hey on each side” but the music only designates 1 repeat (8 counts) for this process instead of the usual 16 counts.  (Technically a single hey for 3 only usually takes 12 counts to dance, but the other 4 counts are given and used for post-hey adjustments or compensating for issues with the hey.)  Additionally, Chorus 3 has people do a series of changes that leave them in an order different from how they started.

I had a thought for a solution that both does the hey (or, more specifically, 2/3 of it) and gets everybody back to where they started in the end. If you do four changes of a normal single hey for 3, do the rest of the dance in the order that leaves the couples in, and then do the changes in chorus 3 (taking the original Couple 3 as “first couple” for this purpose), you end up with everybody back in place at the end of the dance.

Image depicting dance segment structures as shown from above.

So prior to the hey we have Couple 1, Couple 2, and Couple 3 in the usual longways for three couples fashion in that order.  After the 4 changes of the hey, we have Couple 3, Couple 1, and Couple 2 in that order.  Staying in this order until the (mostly) diagonal changes of place in Chorus 3, this means that after those changes (assuming that we treat Couple 3 as “first couple” and the rest following in order), at the end of the changes in Chorus 3 everyone is back to their original spots just in time for the last set of set and turns.

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