Costuming and Partying

Lorenzo and Serafina came over the weekend before last.  Their visit finally provided the motivation for me to retrace and cut out my body block.  In doing this I discovered that I am shaped a bit like Quasimodo!  However, once that task was accomplished Lorenzo showed me how to take the body block and use it to make a pattern.  My Black Eleanora dress has begun!  I’m going to try to work on it this week since it is Spring Break; however it is already Tuesday and I haven’t started yet.  I want to at least get it started tomorrow so that I can work on it during D&D.  Hand sewing and gaming go well together and I have promised Lorenzo that I will hand sew at least the bodice (Although this goes against my tenets of laziness :D).  I think hand-sewing it will make it look a lot better in the end.

In non-SCA related news, this past Sunday Elizabeth and I threw a baby shower for our friend Brandy who is expecting a little girl in about a month. Elizabeth did most of the decorating, Scott (bless his heart) did most of the cleaning, and I did the cooking.  I couldn’t make up my mind about a menu until the Friday before the party.  This was crazy for me, because usually I have menus planned and re-planned weeks in advance, but I just couldn’t make my mind up for this.  The party was at 2 and it was a hot day, so I needed to make light food that was cool.  Finally in a fit of desperation I turned to my favorite party cookbook of all time: Southern Scrumptious!  Actually, I turned to the sequel Southern Scrumptious Entertains. (Which brings us to the question…can cookbooks have sequels??)  Anyway, the are absolutely wonderful for parties.  Here was the menu, which was all pretty tasty:

Savory: Cheese Straws, Cucumber Sandwiches, Asparagus and Bacon Roll Ups, Artichoke squares, Spicy Deviled Eggs,

Fruity: Fruit Salad with Honey Lime Marinade

Desserts: Heart Scones with Mock Devonshire Cream, Frosted Sugar Cookies, Rice Krispy Rattles (This was the only recipe not from the cookbook)

Beverages: Mint Tea, Celebration Punch

The party went well and was a success.  Brandy got tons of baby loot!  Hooray!

After the party, I told Scott that I didn’t have any more major commitments.  He said, “until tomorrow when you commit to six more things.”  Monday at our Shire’s business meeting, I agreed to do the scrolls for our event.  At least it is commitment that I like.  Also, the scrolls are to be “Myths and Legends” themed, so they should be really fun to do.

Okay, now I’m going to go to trivia tonight because the little guy is staying at his Mimi’s house tonight.  Wish us luck!

Updated: April 5, 2011 — 5:48 pm

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