Category: Costuming

And Now for Something Completely Different

As Lorenzo mentioned in his post, I am working on a (hold on) sewing project! (He is turning into a bad influence!)

So far, I’ve got the pants/shalwar/thing cut out and the gores attached. The pattern itself may need a bit of tweaking as the original was created as a unisex so the crotch area is hanging a bit lower than I would like. We’ll see.

I spent most of Sunday at my Laurel, Mistress Jadi’s house. She helped me to pattern a new Persian coat. It will be made out of summer weight black wool. It was patterned off of her red linen coat with some slight modifications for my frame. We took in the back a little, added a set of back gores, and made it a few inches longer. Right now all the pieces are cut out and I have a set of instructions on the order to sew everything together. This week will be a crazy madhouse of sewing to get it all pieced together by Friday night so I can wear it to Crown List on Saturday.